Saturday, March 10, 2007

The day I realised I was hungry

I was a young boy.
A small and scrawny child.
Blessed with the legendary "skinny indian legs".
A DUMB kid.

It took me a long time to break out of my haze.
Teachers said i was a dreamer (meaning i was out of this world).
Deep Space, thats where i was, a place where no man had been before.

I was maybe about ten, standing in the kitchen just beside the fridge.
It suddenly occured to me that i was hungry!
"hungry", a word that i knew by definition but not by experience because i was too
dumb to recognize the signs.

I suddenly understood.
Thus began my eating frenzy.
I ate like there was no tomorrow.
It did not add to my weight and neither did my legs grow fatter .
Nevertheless, i ate.
Blessed be , food.
Oooohhhh nice chewy juicy food.
I ate.
Nevermind that people in other parts of the world were starving.
What did i care, all that mattered was that, i had grown up.
I hungered.

My life was peppered with these "revelations".

Just like how god came to moses, Hunger came to me.
i Grew up (or so i believe).

I saw that there were alot of people worst off than me ( despite the Govt saying otherwise).
"more good years" they said.
Nevermind that there was my neighbour, the poor sap who had it tough.
Who despite "more good years" had never seen "One good day".

Nevermind that his wife had to wash nappies because they could not afford diapers.
Life went on.
What did i care?
I realised that i was Hungry.
Oh blessed blessed be.

Anyway, then i read an article by the peoples paper, The straits times.
Dated Thursday March 8 2007


A wetland bird named "Large-billed reed-warbler" was found.
Thought to be extinct. ( hooray! you would think).

WRONG! instead of rejoicing, these all knowing smart scientists were arguing as to whether this was a true species or an "aberration"

Aberration!! its just a small bird !
Leave it alone !
Stop swiping, and anal probing the bird just to get its DNA.

It is a happy bird, You just confirmed that it was alive.
It could fly free now.
Not just in a haze.
It had a purpose.
It has realised that like me it hungers.

But no.
That was not to be.
The poor bird was violated.
and yes they confirmed that it was indeed what they thought it was.
"Professor Staffan Bensch of swedens Lund university, confirmed that it was a valid species"

Genius, Mr weird name, Professor stuffed Bench from curiously named University, said it was a valid species. WoW! now we know what kind of idiots the govt is spending money on. Bloody mangkuk!
Maybe i should anal probe you to confirm if indeed you are an ass!

Anyways..........we can only pray for you little bird.

Poor poor bird, hopefully you will find peace.
Just like how i found mine.

The day I realised i was hungry.

P.s "Lund", not so nice word in hindi, i would not go around calling people that if i were in India.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oi you bloody mangkuk! this is your auntie talking. I am appalled that you stood in front of a fridge to realise the meaning of hunger! why didnt you realise the meaning of hunger when you were sitting down in front of your bubuh station. What was the food that caught your eye to make you realise the meaning of hunger? Geez- its a moment of enlightenment for you, huh? Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and my nephew gained his in front of a fridge. What can I say? Errrr, when did you realise you were a male? Or is that another story?
signing off,
your auntie .