It is with great regret that i announce the futility of the above statement.
The phenomenon known as GOING ECO is sweeping the world "especially" after
the great U.S.A has agreed to endorse the project.
Never mind Gun control, or Racism or the fact that people are dying around the world.
I don't know. A satire? A farce perhaps or just one big theatre production.
What is this?
Nothing Irks me more than a Bag toting self righteous ASS#@*e that says we should save the world by not using a few plastic bags.
Maybe if we could train monkeys to shit upside down while hanging from a tree, then perhaps we could
save the universe!!
It has reached epidemic proportions. EPIDEMIC!!
i am actually required to pay for bags in places that i have never ever.
Every other monkey i come across says to use less bags,
What happened to Lets not drive!
We can't do it can we?
It is simple to wear a ribbon on my lapel for a cause, it is easy to forgo a couple of bags,
But let me see who is actually willing to ACTUALLY make a sacrifice.
Take public transport.
COOK at home more.
Eat smaller portions.
NOT Drink alcohol,
Not waste water on cleaning my damn car,
Bring my own water from home instead buying.
Come on guys, it is not about lip service. If you cannot really sacrifice, at least stop lying.
As for me i would'nt give two cents about this save the earth crap, why?
i am not supposed to waste, Waste not want not!
I live by it. Every day, i try to waste not, every moment is spent trying. (yes the buddhists too.)
See these images, who needs help more urgently?, the bags or these kids?
I have seen children with no feet, much less shoes.
I have seen children working to feed their Families,
I have seen children despondent,
I have seen our future bleak because our "now" had nothing to eat.
Have you felt pain till you went numb?
Come on people, screw the planet, let's feed our kids first.
What's the point of Saving our planet when there won't be anyone else to live in it?
Save the bags? corporate bullshit....
let's try saving the kid's first huh??
P.S. So okay i am not perfect, i fail half of the time but these ECO ppl are really starting to piss me off. Occured to anyone yet? the only ones saving are these companies and nobody else...or are we all blind?