My cats , my inspiration.
No perspiration.
Simplicity of life.
Two monkeys do not equate to
a changed world.
Two cats equate to a
changed man.
Learnt, patience....ok still learning...
Gained acceptance, Does
not matter if i smell, Does
not matter if i fart.
Accepted, Plain
No arrogance from
them. They forgive
in an instant.
They have no seeds of jealousy.
They live.
They sleep carefree.
Unlike us monkeys.
We think we live.
We believe we have lived.
We villagers are so close and yet so far.
We do not refrain from nefarious activities.
Two spankings do not change us.
A kind word we ignore.
Maybe it is time for drastic measures
Time to burn their lungis and chaddis (sarongs and underwears)
Shave their pits and tie their nuts !
This monkey will try.
errrm, my pseudo- grand childrn look great and a little bit podgy. have you been taking them for walks? errrr...when do i get to see the real thing?
bloody scaryyyy!!!! two cats can make you mushy! children? what will they do? make you jelly? man, i'd like to see you with kids. time for retribution. time for some kids to put cockrach in your mouth when you are asleep. time for you to stress when your kid drink tea from a milk bottle. And, oh my god!! that bloody puting( pacifier)! it took you bloody ages to get off it. themn again, you never go off it. hehe he
I think the blogger is a very interesting man.
The aesthetics of alternate caps is certainly so.
Happy New Year!
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