Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"routine" scratching of my bottom

referring to this:-

Wednesday March 28, 4:49 AM
Britain threatens to raise stakes in Iran standoff

British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned Iran on Tuesday that a row over 15 detained sailors could enter a "different phase" if they were not freed soon, remarks which Tehran condemned as provocative.

Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett meanwhile cut short a visit to Turkey in order to report to parliament Wednesday, having hit a dead end in talks with her Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki.

Blair earlier cautioned Iran that he was not prepared to see the naval personnel held with "no justification whatever."

His official spokesman said London was not looking to escalate the stand-off and would prefer a diplomatic solution, insisting that Britain was not considering military action or throwing out Iran's ambassador.

Blair said Britain was trying to "pursue this through the diplomatic channels and make the Iranian government understand these people have to be released."

"If not, then this will move into a different phase," he added in an interview with GMTV television.

However in Tehran, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini denounced the British remarks.

"The media campaigns and provocative ... remarks regarding the violation of Iranian territorial waters by the British sailors are doing nothing to help settle the affair," he said.

"The British service personnel entered Iranian waters illegally and the case will follow its legal and judicial course."

Hosseini said that British diplomats would be able to meet the 15, who include a woman, once investigators had completed questioning them about what they had been doing in Iranian waters.

Beckett's return so soon after speaking to Tehran reflected the mounting concern over the standoff, as Iran rejects growing international calls to free the sailors who were detained last Friday.

She said she had decided to return to London after speaking on the telephone with Mottaki, saying that it appeared that there had been no progress in resolving the issues.

A Foreign Office spokesman said Beckett "spoke in very robust terms" with Mottaki.

"She indicated that the British government will continue to pressurise the Iranian government on all these points."

Britain, supported by Iraq, insists that the naval personnel were conducting "routine" anti-smuggling operations in Iraqi waters Friday when they were seized at gunpoint in the Shatt al-Arab waterway in the north of the Gulf.

Iran says they entered its territorial waters illegally.

Pressed on what a "different phase" of the dispute might involve, Blair said: "Well, we will just have to see.

"But what they should understand is that we cannot have a situation where our servicemen and women are seized when actually they are in Iraqi waters under a United Nations mandate, patrolling perfectly rightly and in accordance with that mandate, and then effectively captured and taken to Iran."

Blair said that the sailors' welfare was paramount.

"There is absolutely no justification whatever for holding them," he added.

Blair's spokesman said London was "utterly certain" that the sailors were in Iraqi waters.

"So far, we haven't made explicit why we know that because we don't want to escalate this.

"We don't want to do that too soon because we prefer to have this ... resolved quietly."

But he added: "We may come to the stage where we have to become more explicit about why we know this."

Citing unnamed sources, the BBC said the crew were being grilled at a Revolutionary Guards base in Tehran to find out if they were on an intelligence-gathering mission.

The investigation involved examining tracking equipment to determine exactly where the sailors were seized.

The European Union has demanded the sailors' release and the United States has expressed its "concern and outrage."

The German foreign ministry said on Tuesday it had called in the Iranian ambassador to Berlin and reiterated a demand for the immediate release of the naval personnel.

The crisis over the detentions comes as concerns also rise over Iran's disputed nuclear programme.

it seems that the great "U.S of A" has started a new game of shoot thy neighbour. first it was WMD or Weapons of mass destruction for the uninitiated in IRAQ. now its IRAN. Going down the Alphabetical list it seems.

Since the UN is not going anywhere with their usual "WE CONDEMN" or "We Strongly Condemn" stance, the USA and Britain( The Great U.S of A's lap dog) has come up with this new ploy.

Don't get me wrong, i do not support Iran's dodgy Politics nor do i condone their nefarious activities as the "great leaders would put it".

But seriously, How routine is their "routine" anti smuggling operations? Are they sooo detailed in their security operations? Come on people. the "enemy is in Iraq right? So what were they doing outside of Iraq? When you get a problem Don't we work inside out instead of outside in as the Great "Royals" would have us believe?

I know it is tough now, what with the "democracy" trend and what not .It is difficult not to invade other countries and make them slaves but seriously, this?

Like hell we believe you were doing routine "gardening" with poor old innocent "gardeners" when Big Bad khomeini came and swatted you like bugs with his mighty holy Turban.

Poor Poor yo0u.

You make me wanna puke all the curry i had for lunch , puke everything out till liquid pappadom and pickle ooze out of my Pits.

Nice ploy, Bravo, good stuff. We all know you maggots are waiting to invade Iran, It is only a matter of time.

And while we are berating you i would like to Congratulate the Bloody Iran for fucking up the world. Just like A pot calling the kettle black. Iran is a stigma on Islam.

You, Iran have a shitty history, perpendicular with the nutcase Germany's hitler.

You wake up one day and decide to eradicate civilization as we know it so as to mould it into A diseased society which you call perfect.

sheesh, grow up .

My solution, Take the states,Britain, UN, Iran, and the communist koreans and cook them. Problem solved. Shitty Governments with a warped up sense of "justice". I bet my Poop will smell better even then.

*Now, wheres my blender*.........

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