Friday, April 20, 2007

recycling monkeys

first we had the save the whales
then save the sharks
concurrently, save the planet.

My question , where is it going?
Let's jump on the band wagon, someone said and there you go!

Singapore like the rest of the world seems
to be convinced that by not using plastic bags we will actually save the planet.

Let us see, No bags equals to consumers paying more.

Dont think so?
let me enlighten you.
When these world monkeys(Authority) say that by recycling the planet will be
saved and somehow we will all ultimately save money.
The europeans have been doing it for ages, what have they saved?
The Aussies are nuts about save (fill in the blank) and what have they saved?

I will tell you.
The big corporations have saved tons on packaging while still charging us the same.

There are children starving, People killing people from USA to Timbuktu because of guns and what are we doing about it?


there are plenty of "organisations" seemingly doing something but have they changed anything?

Maybe we the villagers should concentrate on PEOPLE instead of some lousy bags.

What about oil?
We drink oil.
Shouldn't it be running out soon?
Instead what we do is get the international Dog "uncle sam" to go around killing innocent people just so they can have oil.

My take, i am not going to live that long to see shit anyway so why bother about some bags.

The end of the world will come sooner or later so why worry?

If i had it my way, get these SOBs to pass the savings to us consumers and then perhaps only then will i believe that this saving the bag shit is genuine and worth my while.

Any takers?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

i lost the fight but won the war

One nasty comment spurred me to write this.

we the villagers have nothing to look forward to but to be Successful.
We love to Announce how successful we are.
With panache and arrogance,sometimes.

We endeavour non-stop, to find it.
Most of the time, it eludes us.
Even when we have 2 cars, a condo and dozens of bank accounts.

Even then it is a goal that seems to slip from our grasp.
Nevertheless it gives us Great joy to "let slip" how we regretted buying that
Coveted car,house etc.

Do we learn?
I was and am guilty of the same thing.
I am no saint.
But in the same breath, i would like to say that i have found success.
It is imperfect but i have found it and all i have to do now is to
Start perfecting it.

I am a successful Son,
A successful Husband,
A successful Brother,
A successful nephew,
A Successful Citizen,

Last but not the least,
A successful ME.

We forget family while looking for success,
We forget Our loved ones while trying to earn enough.
We Forget the very cause, the very Root
of our desire to be "successful" that when we do realise
what we want It is too late.

Maybe the key is to realise Earlier what we really want.
The smallest Fight,
That small instance whe a loved one gave you that smile that meant more
than what it said, I LOVE YOU.

three insignificant words, so Important at the right time.

How have you been measuring success?
With a mug filled with stale ale from 20years ago,
Or with the finest Wine, aged, nah Rotten to the core, aged with
time lost.

Or perhaps with How much i have won in the contest of life ?
Have you lost?
Then why is it so important to tell people how much you have,
To announce how much I gained,
To blind people with designer Shades.
Have you made your point?

Is it too late for you?

For i know now that I am a Son.

Monday, April 2, 2007


Our obsession with all things new.
Maybe an uniquely Singaporean Thing.
When there is a new Mobile phone model, we want one,No matter that
the old one works perfectly well.

When there is a new Computer we want one.
Never mind that we probably do not even know how to Use it.

When there is a hot model( Not the catwalk kind you bloody idiot!)
we want one.

Never mind that the product would probably fit an androgynous hermaphrodite better than it would you, we want one.

Because we live in a little island called singapore.
Sandwiched in between Indonesia and malaysia like a wedgie in somebody's butt crack.

We have been called "A drop of Piss" because (i presume) Malaysia looks like a Penis.
Never mind that, that is another tale.

Back to our topic, Why? Because we cannot really go anywhere else.
Really, Where can we escape to?
Malaysia? the sooner to be slaughtered by their villagers.
Indonesia? Right! Heard of the Pirates?
Thailand? Eeerrrm no thank you, they are absolutely ANAL!

Get the point?

Technology is our only escape .

So we want more.
We want more Cars
more mistresses,
more designer wear,
More and more and more!

This wedgie is fast becoming a hemmoroid!
We need to be Lubricated fast.

the question is, With what?

nasty comments

To the "anonymous People" who posted nasty comments.

Errmm sorry I didn't publish them, regretted my actions , But was too late.

I should have let them be.

Anyway to the uninitiated, I had and still have left the comments to come from anybody.Why? don't really know but some that came my way actually went like this,

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "self righteous blabber":

not surprising you feel this way. as your theistic tendencies hv revealed, you obviously have a low IQ. so naturally, you're envious of pple who do are doing well. Loser..."

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "self righteous blabber":

you are so reflexively cynical. why shld anyone take your comments seriously. you are better off just writing a diary than having a blog that pretends to comments on public affairs but is really just your private bitching and whining and whingeing board. you're such a loser and the real asswipe here really is just your sad pathetic self. If i were you, i'd just go kill myself.


Pretty nasty huh??...*sigh* see i told you guys. the kind of nutcases we have here.

Does not matter to me, IT IS, a blog, we will have our natural selection of idiots once in a while. Maybe my message was misinterpreted, I do not really know. But what i Do know is that though this user tried to hide behind the Internet and Try to stab me in the back, i will tell you, i know that you are from singapore(bright hill crescent).

I have nothing to hide. It seems you do. Anyway,Hope that abuse made you happy.
It made me happy that at least you read it.

Maybe you are doing something better to try to make this world a better place.

Maybe i am wrong, I don't really mean harm, Perhaps it would have been better if you had Offered something constructive??

Oh well i guess not.

Thank you anyway numb nuts.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

chinese weddings

For all you villagers that have no clue whatsoever about the inner workings of a chinese wedding, here is a sample :-

Day 1 - tea ceremony

Day 1a - wedding dinner.

Nothing wrong with the "Tea ceremony", basically the couple will have to get down on their knees and Offer the Parents/inlaws Chinese tea after which the couple gets Hong Baos (ang pau, meaning red packets filled with money) as a token. This Completes the Official nuptials.

People take turns to offer tea to each other. At least that's what happened to me. After a while you just get plain confused as to who is supposed to offer tea to whom.

There was once when i was on the chair and my father in law was on his knees offering me tea!! Confusing stuff i tell ya. Ok ok he didn't offer me tea, might be my subconscious playing tricks....hmmmmnnn.

Anyway after cutting that short let us move on to the Dinner. Nothing different about it (from a normal wedding) except for the fact that one main ingredient is involved here. "money", now when i say money i mean lots of money!

It is a big NO NO to NOt give money to the couple. Some weddings you have Grumpy old ladies sitting at a table out at the reception. One would "Man" (you should see the ladies) the guest book and the other would receive the Red packets( Hong Baos, red packets with money) from the guests. These Overzealous ladies would then have your Pride and joy and hope and Shame in between their thumbs. They would proceed to open these packets in front of everybody and one would then Proceed to announce Loudly (for every ones Benefit, possibly to shame and scare others) the amount that was given. If you gave a generous amount then good, maybe a smile ( don't hold your breathe waiting), If not, then you will be the lucky few to get a table near the toilet (if not IN).

Can you imagine the horror if you gave five bucks!!! gives me the shivers!
While all this is going on, you see sweaty brows in full throttled Air conditioning.
Nervous grinding of teeth, Sweaty palms, pale faced ,wrecked with jitter, clanging testicles, guests on one side. The other side you will see some cocky faced brats giving the once over to the unfortunate few (short lived cockiness after the encounter with "The ladies").

Just like a Theater performance, this affair is full of drama, suspense and perhaps if you are lucky, some violence. This is a realm that belongs only to the "Old LADIES"and no one else. And by the way if you are planning to go to some wedding (chinese), Do, Please Do be afraid, Be very afraid. Do not even think of getting away with that miserable Hong Bao that you brought and forget about giving these ladies the "heave Ho" because these are one bunch of tough Old ladies. The have in them Inhuman Strength, Schooled in the Ancient Art Of "kick You Hard Hard and Long Long where the Sun will Quake in its ffet to even think of shining".

Tough little cookies these ladies. Theere is No ginseng too big and no Bamboo too long, They overcome them all. So for you White men, I WOULD NOT MESS WITH THEM.

After this nerve wrecking Affair, you have the 5,6,10 course dinner. Perhaps a slide show of the couples wedding photos (aaarrrggghhhh HOSTAGE Situation Get OUT nOW!!!).

Then while all this happens the couple will go from table to table to say thanks (or curses) to the guests.....ok, so no curses. Photographs will be taken at every table with the couple.

Simple huh?

Thank god though, no such thing at my wedding, Was over in About Five minutes, WE ( my wife and I) went through the wedding simply. Killed By Humility, Bankrupted by Pride, Kicked by the waiters in our butt cheeks we made a loss. Yes that is what they refer to weddings as ( NOt THE MARRIAGE YOU IDIOT!!) . If a couple makes money to cover their their expenses than it is a "break Even", If they made more and more left over for a honeymoon then a perfect wedding.

We made a "loss", If we had "broke even" i would have been glad and had i had a Perfect wedding i would have gone insane!, suffered a moment of insanity. Probably would have whimpered like a child in soiled diapers,

But Sadly no, We Did'nt. There was no moment of insanity.

What i got in return was a bride, A happy Family, And happy guests.

So ok, I got a windfall after all.

now where is my Hong bao?????

(p.s. not all chinese weddings are like that, just an example of some)