Friday, April 20, 2007

recycling monkeys

first we had the save the whales
then save the sharks
concurrently, save the planet.

My question , where is it going?
Let's jump on the band wagon, someone said and there you go!

Singapore like the rest of the world seems
to be convinced that by not using plastic bags we will actually save the planet.

Let us see, No bags equals to consumers paying more.

Dont think so?
let me enlighten you.
When these world monkeys(Authority) say that by recycling the planet will be
saved and somehow we will all ultimately save money.
The europeans have been doing it for ages, what have they saved?
The Aussies are nuts about save (fill in the blank) and what have they saved?

I will tell you.
The big corporations have saved tons on packaging while still charging us the same.

There are children starving, People killing people from USA to Timbuktu because of guns and what are we doing about it?


there are plenty of "organisations" seemingly doing something but have they changed anything?

Maybe we the villagers should concentrate on PEOPLE instead of some lousy bags.

What about oil?
We drink oil.
Shouldn't it be running out soon?
Instead what we do is get the international Dog "uncle sam" to go around killing innocent people just so they can have oil.

My take, i am not going to live that long to see shit anyway so why bother about some bags.

The end of the world will come sooner or later so why worry?

If i had it my way, get these SOBs to pass the savings to us consumers and then perhaps only then will i believe that this saving the bag shit is genuine and worth my while.

Any takers?

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