Monday, April 2, 2007


Our obsession with all things new.
Maybe an uniquely Singaporean Thing.
When there is a new Mobile phone model, we want one,No matter that
the old one works perfectly well.

When there is a new Computer we want one.
Never mind that we probably do not even know how to Use it.

When there is a hot model( Not the catwalk kind you bloody idiot!)
we want one.

Never mind that the product would probably fit an androgynous hermaphrodite better than it would you, we want one.

Because we live in a little island called singapore.
Sandwiched in between Indonesia and malaysia like a wedgie in somebody's butt crack.

We have been called "A drop of Piss" because (i presume) Malaysia looks like a Penis.
Never mind that, that is another tale.

Back to our topic, Why? Because we cannot really go anywhere else.
Really, Where can we escape to?
Malaysia? the sooner to be slaughtered by their villagers.
Indonesia? Right! Heard of the Pirates?
Thailand? Eeerrrm no thank you, they are absolutely ANAL!

Get the point?

Technology is our only escape .

So we want more.
We want more Cars
more mistresses,
more designer wear,
More and more and more!

This wedgie is fast becoming a hemmoroid!
We need to be Lubricated fast.

the question is, With what?

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