Monday, April 2, 2007

nasty comments

To the "anonymous People" who posted nasty comments.

Errmm sorry I didn't publish them, regretted my actions , But was too late.

I should have let them be.

Anyway to the uninitiated, I had and still have left the comments to come from anybody.Why? don't really know but some that came my way actually went like this,

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "self righteous blabber":

not surprising you feel this way. as your theistic tendencies hv revealed, you obviously have a low IQ. so naturally, you're envious of pple who do are doing well. Loser..."

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "self righteous blabber":

you are so reflexively cynical. why shld anyone take your comments seriously. you are better off just writing a diary than having a blog that pretends to comments on public affairs but is really just your private bitching and whining and whingeing board. you're such a loser and the real asswipe here really is just your sad pathetic self. If i were you, i'd just go kill myself.


Pretty nasty huh??...*sigh* see i told you guys. the kind of nutcases we have here.

Does not matter to me, IT IS, a blog, we will have our natural selection of idiots once in a while. Maybe my message was misinterpreted, I do not really know. But what i Do know is that though this user tried to hide behind the Internet and Try to stab me in the back, i will tell you, i know that you are from singapore(bright hill crescent).

I have nothing to hide. It seems you do. Anyway,Hope that abuse made you happy.
It made me happy that at least you read it.

Maybe you are doing something better to try to make this world a better place.

Maybe i am wrong, I don't really mean harm, Perhaps it would have been better if you had Offered something constructive??

Oh well i guess not.

Thank you anyway numb nuts.


nas said...

my child, you had an anonymous reader who left you nasty comments? Tsk Tsk? Who can that be ? A pissaporean? Lets look at the psychology of the anonymity of the pissaporeaen.

1) for Pissaporean to sign off as anonymous, it shows pissy to be a cowardly custard, a shivering blob of jelly who has closetted opinions. A being who is not daring enough to express opinion and is probably a yes-man. Bravery ,respect, guts are all not part of the pissaporean 's heritage, upbringing nor personality makeup. Its as good as writing poison letters so what does that that makes the pissaporean? More like a criminal and a low- lying scum.

2)Wow, my child. You are important enough that somebody is willing to respond even though it may be unintellectual, immature and of a kindergarten level. But, interestingly, the pissaporean is also scared to leave their name. Wow. You invoke such awe in this person. I am proud of you, my child. Even Fu , Buddha and Akiko applaud you.

2) Pissaporean's blast at you reeks of jealousy or perhaps penis -envy? His so called penis might be pea-sized or she does not have one and desires to have one. Perhaps Pissaporean is unable to express opinion objectively but merely regurgitate facts as part of pissaporean's educational background. Also, I do know this . Its a fact of psychology. That when someone is jealous and envious of you,they tend to get abusive and nasty. Why? Maybe they lack intellectual and expressive skills to articulate or verbalise exactly what they feel in a civilised manner. A lot engagged in cavemen discussion or as they call it over here- the oingo boingo talk.It also shows their overwhelming desire to have power and control over you or a situation which they are depressingly diesempowered in. It gives them a false sense of authority which they crave so badly. They probably have issues in relationship as well as this attitude or undesirable facet of their personality will go across board in all their relationships- work, family, lovelife etc. They want to control every single thing. So potential partners of Pissaporean- beware!

Being nasty and abusive give them a false sense of power. Psssst..., pissaporaen. I suggest you see a shrink- maybe they can give you some therapy or medication to help you. I urge you to do this.

3) Pissaporean is unable to express nor look nor accept opinions objectively. Pissaporaen is unable to engage in discussions objectively. Pissaporean seems to feel people need to have the same set of opinions like he/she/it does. That is bloody scary. That is not how the world operates, pissaporean. You need to move out of your family home, rent a flat and experience life. Hiding behind your mummy's skirt or daddy's pants do not expose you to the real world. Expression of opinion is allowed as long as it is not slander. Respect of other people's opinions is allowed. It reflects how intellectual one is and to engage in intellectual debate in wonderful. But if you cant do it, read and respect instead of read and abuse. Everybody has opinions and is free to express them in any way they like. Its okay for pissaporean to express his/her/ its opinion too but to write it down and then sign off as anonymous shows that pissaporean has low self-esteem and is not confident enough to have a good intellectual debate. Pissaporean- in case you dot know what intellectual means, please check up the dictionary, okay you kow how to use one?

4) My child, Pissaporean read your post and is kind enough to leave a comment. Obviously pissaporean thinks highly enough and considers your post important enough to leave his/her/its paw prints there. The good news is Pissaporean can read but can pissaporean process information and read inferences/ between the lines/ tongue in cheek comments? Maybe not? Looks like Pissaporean has no sense of humour and an inability to participate in humour nor take things lightly.My child, forgive pissaporean. Pissaporean may be ignorant and unable to process such high cognitive skills in reading. Maybe pissaporean is a girlfriend's handbag touting male in singapore. Then again, pissaporean maybe a fluffy ah lian who squats down in the train. For all we know, Pissy may be a a fluffy weakling of a man! Who's to know?

5) such cowardly behaviour only reflects the lack of manners and a reflection of poor upbringing. On the road, they call it road rage. In the real life, its called bullying and harrassment. On the net, it is net bullying and net rage. There are ways of tracing the poison pen comments. Does pissaporean know that? I wonder?

Whatever it is, my child, its not worth publishing comments by people like pissaporean. But, it is sure fun to have a go at low-lying beings like him who is a pisseporean. Hopefully, this will enlighten you, pissaporean aka anonymous . May the force be with you, my child and may negativity shroud pisssy all through his life.

take care, my child.

your auntie.

Anonymous said...

I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommended by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.