Wednesday, February 21, 2007


i just don't get it.

Indians speak funny when they speak English.
I know it.
You know it.
Yet whenever there is an indian joke, people always
make it a point to use an indian accent.

Dont you think the indians know it?!!

i just don't get it.

there is a hell of alot of discrimination against the indians.

People say we smell funny ( yes i am indian).

some say we don't bathe.
Some say its our diet.

we Smell Nice!
I know.
I smell like chicken briyani
I know others that smell like chicken curry.
Hey! , this is good!
Good Food, Good Smell.

Have you come across an aussie during winter?
They DONT SMELL like chips , i will tell you that, NO SIREE!

HOW about the chinese? , They smell like fish!
The brits, like something the cat dragged in.

come on people! , looooovvveeee us.

Another grouse of mine,

why is that, whenever somebody farts, they will all look at the indian?

why, do we have a neon sign on our foreheads that says, "if you smell something bad, it is probably Us farting?".

Do you know how much work that would be?
First you have to take care of the power supply,
Next, these neon signs generate alot of heat!
Not to mention the amount of dust they collect.

Maybe, we should have a sign!
A politically correct Signage.

THIS sign would say, "if you smell curry its us, if you smell Fish its them and if you smell both at the same time then its probably the angmoh! (white man)".

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